
Looking back at these blogs since Sportel Monaco, it is striking how many have been based on big deals with big increases, or positive developments and media players with bullish outlooks

Almost a year ago I was a guest of Mediapro in Barcelona. The company was celebrating 20 years of activity and had been inviting journalists over

Someone tweeted on Tuesday afternoon that the Premier League should auction off the live media rights to the press conference announcing the outcome of the auction for its live media rights. Such is the extent to which the global media obsession with football is ratcheting up, you wouldn’t bet against it happening in the next cycle.

On the day of the Premier League’s domestic rights bidding deadline, TV Sports Markets editor Frank Dunne looks at the league’s chances of enjoying a bumper pay day.

Everyone at TVSM Towers did a double-take last week when the press release for MP & Silva’s 15-year deal with the Malaysian football association dropped into our inboxes. Hang on a minute. MP & Silva? Surely they weren’t even involved? And for 15 years?

January 2015 could be a landmark month for Spanish football

This month we published the TVSM Global Report 2015. We are rather excited about the report because we think it is the most accurate such assessment ever published

We like to kid ourselves that people read TV Sports Markets because of the limpid elegance of our prose but we know deep down that what draws our audience is pretty much one thing only: deals

If you were to sit down with a blank piece of paper and design a successful commercial structure for a sport, taking into account the needs of broadcasters, sponsors, competitors and fans, it would not…

In 2004 we wrote a number of stories about the impending demise of the traditional rights-trading agency.

In the first two weeks of October more than $38bn was committed by media companies in just four sports rights deals

The once moribund Spanish rights market has picked up in recent months, with TelefĂłnica injecting telco-dollars in rights acquisitions and its takeover of pay-television broadcaster Canal Plus.

Four months ago, the IOC signed a long-term rights deal with NBCUniversal

Germany’s Bundesliga appeared to be taking a big gamble when it rejected a bullish offer from IMG for its global media rights last year. But the gamble is paying off.

Al Jazeera’s premium sports channel operator beIN Sports does not suffer too many defeats. The Qatar-backed company has the resources to outbid pretty much anyone for the rights it wants.

Like many football fans, I am slowly coming to terms with a World Cup-shaped hole at the centre of my existence

IMG has been through many changes since it was founded in 1960 by the late Mark McCormack. The most radical change in its history came a year after McCormack’s death, in 2004, when it was sold to the king of the leveraged buy-out, Teddy Forstmann.

One swallow doesn’t make a summer they say and one basketball deal by Deutsche Telekom does not necessarily point to a wider determination by the telco to aggressively re-enter the sports-rights market.