Formula One reports global rise in TV and digital audience in 2018

Formula One enjoyed an increase in worldwide audience figures across television and digital platforms in 2018, according to owners Liberty Media.

The global cumulative TV audience was put at 1.758 billion, which represents a rise of three per cent compared to 2017.

The top three markets in terms of TV reach were Brazil, China and the United States, largely a result of new or revised broadcast deals in those countries.

The Monaco Grand Prix had highest cumulative audience of the season with 110 million viewers while six other races — Bahrain, France, Austria, Britain, Italy and Mexico — had more than 90 million viewers.

Meanwhile, the number of followers across the sport’s own social media platforms rose 53.7 per cent in 2018 from the previous year.

Formula One also said its fanbase had grown by three million to 506 million, with 205 million under the age of 35.