Frank Dunne

Interview with Simon Greenberg, global head of rights for News Corp, on the company’s Asian clip rights strategy.

CCTV’s new national sports channel will not mean pay-day for rights-holders

Fox Sports buys Eredivisie rights in Italy

Mediapro renews F1 deal in Spain but for smaller package

News Corp says it will succeed with sports clips where other media companies s have failed

The rights acquisitions behind News Corp’s BallBall app 

Premier League High Court ruling is breakthrough in battle with online pirates

Sky-Rai Olympic deal pleases IOC and Coni, but not ski federation

Fifa defends its attack on UK listed-events law after defeat in the European Court of Justice

In its haste to exit the UK, ESPN may have missed an opportunity with its ESPN America channel

Germany’s RTL snatches national team qualifier matches from under the nose of ARD/ZDF