Richard Welbirg

The breadth and depth of coverage the 2018 and 2020 Olympic Games will achieve in Canada is seen by the International Olympic Committee as an acceptable trade-off for a minimal increase in media-rights income.

The acquisition of the Champions League rights earlier this month paves the way for Brazilian commercial channel Esporte Interativo to enter the pay-television market, while simultaneously damaging its future rival ESPN.

If you were to sit down with a blank piece of paper and design a successful commercial structure for a sport, taking into account the needs of broadcasters, sponsors, competitors and fans, it would not…

The Premier League has a “moral obligation” to provide greater funding for grassroots football from the proceeds of its domestic media-rights sales, the UK’s Labour party said this week.

Interview with Clive Efford, the UK’s Shadow Minister for Sport, on Labour's intention to increase Premier League investment in grassroots football.

The Spanish football league outlined plans to launch its own channel in 2016 at a panel discussion chaired by TV Sports Markets this month at Sportel in Monaco.

There are three main reasons why the National Basketball Association secured a 180-per-cent increase in the value of its domestic media rights this month, according to US rights experts.

Online subscription service Coliseum Sports Media continued to shake up the previously moribund New Zealand market with the acquisition of the US PGA Tour this month.

Rupert Murdoch-owned media companies Fox International Channels and Star India have maintained their grip on the Wimbledon Championships, renewing deals in East Asia and the Indian subcontinent respectively.

WWE’s five-year extension of its partnership with pay-television broadcaster Ten Sports has made the Indian subcontinent the most valuable media rights market outside the US for the wrestling series.