MLB afforded television coverage in Cuba

Cuba has broadcast its first full Major League Baseball game on free-to-air television since 1961, according to the Associated Press news agency.

The report said the ‘Baseball International’ programme on Sunday cut to a full replay of the May 2 game between the Washington Nationals and Atlanta Braves, which ended in a 3-1 win for the Nationals.

The AP said that it was unclear whether Cuba received permission from MLB to broadcast the game.

Baseball International launched around four months ago and has shown coverage from professional leagues in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Mexico and other Latin American nations.

Baseball is a major sport in the country and Cubans such as the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Yasiel Puig and the Cincinnati Reds’ Aroldis Chapman star in MLB. However, the ongoing political tension between Cuba and the US has meant that their exploits go unreported by the Cuban media.

Cuban television sometimes carries MLB highlights and last month televised several games of the NBA basketball finals between the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs, albeit days after they were played.

The US and Cuba have not had full diplomatic relations for over five decades, and most trade between the two countries is outlawed by the US economic and financial embargo against Cuba.