South Australian Government seeks clampdown on betting ads

The South Australian Government has said it intends to introduce a ban on local advertising of live-odds betting on television during the broadcast of any sports matches, according to the ABC News website.

Premier Jay Weatherill said that audiences for such events include children, who should not be subjected to sports betting material, and added that betting agencies and broadcasters would have to work out how to abide by the requirement.

“It is of great concern to me that we will end up with a generation of children who believe gambling is a normal part of watching or even playing sport,” Weatherill said. “We don't allow children into 'pokies' venues or into the casino, but we haven't regulated the way the advertising of sports betting has infiltrated our living rooms.”

The South Australian Independent Gambling Authority, the senior South Australian regulator for commercial gambling, said that the ban would make it difficult for betting companies to promote live odds on an inter-state basis.

The regulator warned that this could potentially lead to a de-facto national ban.

Weatherill confirmed his government would put the issue on the agenda of a future Council of Australian Governments meeting.