
Men's and women's national team, national underage teams, and domestic league rights on market

Sportfive valuation at £604,000 per match is double the amount broadcasters claim they will earn in ad revenue

Sky also wants league to hold back free-to-air highlights until late evening, starting from 2005-06

Incumbent Premiere's lower offer chosen over bigger, but more financially risky ProSiebenSat.1 offer

Main risks for broadcasters are unfavourable timezone and national team potentially failing to qualify

The Octagon agency, favourites to win the English Premier League’s international rights in the Middle East, was thrown into gloom late last month when parent company Interpublic refused to guarantee i…

Thomas Martens, chief executive of WPP’s Global Sportnet

A senior agent at Interpublic’s Octagon

John Kristick, executive director of marketing at Infront Sports & Media

Philip Cordes, chief operating officer of international television at Sportfive

Agencies dismiss suggestion that a trend toward collective-selling will leave agencies marginalised

Curling: Canadian public-service broadcaster CBC has reportedly agreed a six-year deal with the Canadian Curling Association.

Olympics: The International Olympic Committee confirmed its deal with the European Broadcasting Union, the umbrella body representing Europe’s public-service broadcasters, for the media rights for the 2010 and 2012 Olympic Games.

Football’s European Championship in Portugal dominated sports viewing across Europe in June.

Football’s Euro 2004 championship was a big hit with television audiences across Europe.

Cable operator UPC has signed a one-year deal with the Eredivisie, the country’s top domestic football league.

Pressure for a return to the collective selling of television rights for Italy’s Serie A increased dramatically last week.

The French football league said this week that it would have no qualms about awarding all its commercial rights to a single company when it puts the rights out to tender in October.