TV RIGHTS CLIPS 3: Athletics, basketball, boxing, golf, handball and ice hockey

Athletics: The International Association of Athletics Federations secured deals for the 2011 World Championships and other events in the Netherlands, Iceland, Russia, Switzerland, Serbia, Albania, Croatia and Asia-Pacific. Public-service broadcasters NOS in the Netherlands, RUV in Iceland and HRT in Croatia, and Russian state-owned broadcaster VGTRK acquired rights for the 2011 World Championships. Public-service broadcasters SRG-SSR in Switzerland, RTS in Serbia and RTHS in Albania acquired rights for the 2011 and 2013 World Championships. The IEC in Sports agency brokered the deals. The Dentsu agency agreed a deal with the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, the consortium of free-to-air broadcasters, for extended highlights of the 2011 World Championships.

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