ESPN threat to pull channels from Dish TV

Pan-Asia sports broadcaster ESPN Star Sports has threatened to block carriage of three of its channels on Dish TV in India after accusing the satellite-television platform of unauthorised use of ESS’s broadcast signals.

The ESPN, Star Sports and Star Cricket pay-television channel signals will be withdrawn from Dish TV unless there is an agreement on the matter within three weeks, ESPN said.

“This is to inform subscribers of Dish TV India… that ESPN, Star Sports and Star Cricket services… are liable for deactivation after expiry of 21 days due to non-signing of agreement, illegal provisioning/retransmission of services and breach of applicable regulations including reporting requirements,” the ESPN Software India division said.

Dish TV called ESPN’s announcement a “pressure tactic,” according to the Hindustan Times newspaper.

Dish TV chief executive RC Venkateish said: “I simply do not understand the reason for this notice. There is absolutely no ground for ESPN India to issue it.”