More sports fans turning to connected TV in Australia, report shows

The proportion of sports fans who consume sport via connected TV in Australia is growing, according to the Global Sports Media Consumption Report 2013.

In 2013, 13 per cent of sports fans said that they followed sport on connected TV, up from nine per cent in 2012. Although in absolute terms the number remains low, 23 per cent of those who follow sport on connected TV say the medium will have the biggest impact on sports consumption in the next two years.

There are several reasons for the growing popularity of the medium. Of those who follow sport on connected TV, 51 per cent believe there is a wider range of sport available, 41 per cent believe that the content is more personalised to their tastes, and 46 per cent say that it gives them more control over what they pay to watch.

In Australia, 77 per cent of the population follow sport, which equates to about 13m people. Sports fans in Australia are spending on average 8.5 hours per week consuming sport on some medium, three of which are spent watching sport on TV and two on PCs.

The Global Sports Media Consumption Report 2013, the third edition of the annual report looking into sports media consumption, provides a snapshot of how sports fans are consuming sports content in an increasingly diverse media landscape.

The report covers a wide range of media (TV, print media, radio, online, social), devices (televisions, connected TVs, mobiles, tablets, PCs) and sports content formats (video, data, editorial, news) in an attempt to fully understand what, where and how sports fans are consuming sports media.

This year the report covers 14 global markets, 10 of which – Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Spain and the US – were monitored last year. Japan, India, Indonesia and Turkey are covered for the first time.

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