Sunset+Vine to produce Glasgow 2014

Production company Sunset+Vine won the contract to handle television production for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, according to the Daily Mail.

Sunset+Vine will supply cameras, cabling and broadcast equipment for the Games, which will take place in Glasgow, Scotland.

In October 2010, the Daily Telegraph reported that UK public-service broadcaster the BBC had turned down the opportunity to be host broadcaster for the Games. However, in June 2011 the BBC agreed to broadcast the Games on television, the internet and radio and assist the Glasgow 2014 organising committee in appointing a producer.

London-based Sunset+Vine produced coverage of the International Association of Athletics Federations 2011 World Championships in Daegu, South Korea, for UK commercial broadcaster Channel 4. The company will also co-produce Channel 4’s coverage of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.