TVSM Live 2013 partners with Eurosport and Charles Russell

TV Sports Markets is pleased to announce that pan-European sports broadcaster Eurosport and law firm Charles Russell will be the partners for the TVSM Live 2013 event on Friday, May 24.

Eurosport is partnering the event for the second time, after the inaugural TVSM Live at the Eurosport headquarters in Paris in May 2012.

Heather Bowler, Communications Director at Eurosport, said: “Eurosport is proud to be the Event Partner of TVSM Live for the second successive year. In the highly successful inaugural TVSM Live in Paris last year, our collaboration with TV Sports Markets helped create a unique event which brings together the key players in the sports broadcasting industry for a genuinely stimulating exchange of ideas and information. This year’s event in London promises to be every bit as engaging.

“As a broadcaster which operates at the cutting edge of technology and media-rights strategy, Eurosport is delighted to be an integral part of the discussions which help shape our industry.”

The event, which is invitation-only and for the industry’s top executives, will take place at the London offices of Charles Russell.

Simon Johnson, Consultant to Charles Russell, said: “We at Charles Russell are looking forward to supporting TV Sports Markets with this year’s TVSM Live. Being a closed event, hosted at our central London offices, you are certain to get real expert insights into the business of televised sport, giving you the opportunity to grasp information that is otherwise unattainable. We are delighted to support it, given our firm’s recognised expertise in both the commercial and regulatory side of sports.”

The event combines exclusive insight into trends and developments in sports broadcasting with an unrivalled networking opportunity among some of the industry’s leading names, drawn from a cross-section of rights-holders, broadcasters and agencies.

The full programme for TVSM Live 2013 and the keynote speakers will be announced in the coming days.

For more information contact Paul Santos, Head of Sales & Commercial at TV Sports Markets, via email: