Callum McCarthy

Free-to-air sales in sub-Saharan Africa for the Euro 2016 tournament are well underway, with the CAA Eleven and TV Media Sport agencies enjoying some success in their respective territories.

Specialist UK boxing broadcaster BoxNation told TV Sports Markets this week its recent acquisitions of three world-class events could potentially double its subscriber base, boosting its chances of long-term survival.

A dispute over Nigerian Professional Football League media rights between SuperSport and Total Promotions Limited has gone to private arbitration, TV Sports Markets understands.

The International Table Tennis Federation’s decision to sell its media rights in China and other core markets itself left slim pickings for agencies, but hasn’t stopped Lagardère Sports from taking on the challenge.

Dutch public-service broadcaster NOS moved quickly to sublicense rights to the 2018 and 2020 Olympic Games from Discovery Communications.

Media rights clips from March 24 to April 6

The value of the English Premier League’s free-to-air rights in sub-Saharan Africa has fallen by about 17 per cent after a difficult cycle in which the last rights-holder handed back its rights.

Telco Econet Wireless has paid a huge increase to land rights to the Extreme Fighting Championship across sub-Saharan Africa.

The Saran Media agency’s barter deal with Turkish commercial broadcaster TV8 for National Basketball Association rights demonstrates how local interest in the NBA has waned over the last two years.

Turkish state broadcaster TRT is set to sublicense a package of Euro 2016 matches to pay-television operator Digiturk.