New US platform offers professional presentation for amateur sports

US digital video technology company Volar Video has partnered with sports media firm Sporting News Media to launch a new digital platform for all forms of amateur sport.

Team 1 Sports Network launched yesterday (Tuesday) and is designed to act as a user-generated platform to showcase US amateur sports organisations and athletes to the world.

Built on the foundation of Volar’s platform, which includes over 125,000 video events, Team 1 Sports will include collegiate organisations, high schools, elite youth leagues, and club organisations. The network will be free to access for all users and viewers.

The platform will utilise Volar’s proprietary Production Truck technology, which is designed to afford users with little-to-no production expertise the ability to produce high-quality broadcasts featuring multi-camera switching, customisable graphic overlays, instant replay and mid-roll video advertising insertion.

Participating organisations and athletes on Team 1 Sports will receive exposure through Team 1’s official media partner, Sporting News. Visitors to will also be able to access premium sports content via the Sporting News ePlayer, which syndicates professional and collegiate digital video from a number of sports leagues and organisations including American football’s NFL, baseball’s MLB, basketball’s NBA and ice hockey’s NHL.

David Bertram, Volar Video chief executive, said: “To think that now every amateur sports organisation can produce TV-like broadcasts complete with graphic overlays and multiple camera angles free of charge is truly remarkable. Even better, the broadcasts are 100 per cent free to watch on computers, tablets, and mobile devices ensuring parents, coaches, recruiters, and sports fans will never miss a game.”