Sky first to sign up as BBC opens up streaming for London 2012

UK Pay-television broadcaster BSkyB will carry coverage from the London 2012 Olympic Games after UK public-service broadcaster the BBC said that its 24 live internet streaming channels covering the event would be made available to cable and satellite providers on a non-exclusive basis during the Games.

Viewers will be able to access the same content that will be streamed live on the BBC Sport website on their televisions, through the Electronic Programme Guide and BBC Red Button services as well as via mobile, tablet, connected-television and personal computer platforms.

The channels will be added to the sports section of Sky’s EPG from July 24 and will be available for no extra charge to existing subscribers. Sky will pick up the cost of satellite distribution, irrespective of whether other platforms join the initiative.

“Just to underline – this is a distribution agreement for the Sky platform and for others, and it’s not about sharing the broadcast rights which remain with the BBC within the UK,” BBC London 2012 director Roger Mosey said.

The 24 live streams will complement coverage of the Olympics on the BBC’s flagship channel BBC 1 and also BBC 3, which will be dedicated to covering the Games during the event.