
Lisicki timing is good for IMG in German Wimbledon TV rights talks

MP & Silva handball ambitions take on global dimensions with new Champions League deal

In its haste to exit the UK, ESPN may have missed an opportunity with its ESPN America channel

Traffic and Full play sign Copa American truce and agree to share rights

Taj beats off Neo threat to hold on to Sri Lanka cricket rights

Sky pays more for World Cup in New Zealand

Dentsu signs Olympic TV rights deal in Central Asia

MP & Silva and Pitch provide the content for Al Jazeera’s expansion into Asia

Germany’s RTL snatches national team qualifier matches from under the nose of ARD/ZDF

Premier League gives over €500m of overseas TV rights business to agencies. Slovak Sport.TV buys Premier League rights in Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Fox Italy says that Italian launch is 'unique opportunity' for Fox, not a defensive move against Al Jazeera

Turner investment will help Esporte Interativo to be more aggressive in sports-rights market

Sky's grip on New Zealand sports-rights market looks set to be broken by arrival of aggressive new entrant Coliseum

SPL drops Sportfive for MP & Silva premium in nine-year deal for international rights

As Uefa and the Premier League bring their rights to the market in the Middle East experts say the bubble has burst in the region

Mediaset Spain bags cut-price Fifa World Cup and French Open tennis rights

CAA Eleven gets off to a good start with sales of the European Qualifiers but still has uphill battle to hit Uefa targets

Why Premiership Rugby looked no further than 'expert' partner Pitch for its international sales contract